Transform Your Money With Daily Affirmations


The last couple of months, we have been finding ourselves comparing our life 6 years ago with our first baby to life now with our second baby. It has truly made us realize how far we have come in many different aspects of our lives. After looking back at financial reports, we discovered that we made less than half our current annual gross income 6 years ago. Thinking back no wonder we found ourselves making poor financial decisions.

It was during this time that we were using credit cards religiously to maintain baby expenses and even weekly groceries! During this time our mindset was in survival mode and we were utilizing credit cards as a tool to stay afloat in our present life. This was also when we were trying to figuring out how to improve our career and income levels and navigate parenthood at the same time.

Now you would think that over the next 5 years as we received promotions within our careers and income increases, we would have stopped utilizing credit cards. However, that was not the case. We still found ourselves utilizing credit cards to buy extra things like clothes, toys, eating out and more up until about a year ago. A year ago is when we finally realized this was no longer a lack of income type of issue for us.

The issue was the mental and behavioral relationship we had towards money. We realized that we had many different beliefs towards how we earned money and how we spent money. These beliefs were unknowingly negatively impacting us from making progress towards our financial goals. In fact, we really didn’t have financial goals that we kept track of either.


Something Had To Change

This is when we realized that we had to make changes. The way we felt about money, the way we thought about money and the way we managed our money had to change. We are still consistently working on these changes, but we have made so much progress already in this past year.

We are constantly seeking out knowledge on the various aspects of finances. There are many things that have helped us along this financial freedom journey. However, the biggest contribution to our success has been changing the way we feel and think about money. One tool that we use to help us in changing the way that we feel and think about money is to repeat powerful affirmations both verbally and written daily in our lives.


What are Affirmations?

The practice of daily affirmations is used to provide self-empowerment and improve positive thinking in one’s life. Essentially they are statements or declarations that are mainly formatted with four principles in mind.  If affirmations are stated in the present tense, are positive in nature, personal and specific to one’s self then they are believed to be more effective. By following this process, effective affirmations can help generate mental images into the mind that may encourage, invigorate and stimulate individuals to take actions towards their goals and dreams.

The power behind practicing daily affirmations has done tremendous things in our life. For instances, we use to believe that we never had enough money. During that time we lived paycheck to paycheck, our debt increased, and at least one bill was paid late every month. As we mentioned earlier, making more money should have fixed these problems but it wasn’t a lack of money creating these problems. It was our lack of discipline and direction on how we viewed and managed the money we currently had.


 How Affirmations Changed Us

Practicing daily affirmations was just the first step in changing the way that we viewed our state of finances in the beginning. When we transitioned from the thoughts of lacking money to having an abundance of money, we began making smarter money moves. This was only one result of how daily affirmations transformed our lives. There are many other benefits that daily affirmations have brought to our lives.

Daily affirmations brought much focus and motivation for us to tackle our debt free journey. They have influenced us to dream bigger finance goals and to find ways to act on those dreams. Our daily affirmations have brought people into our lives that have impacted and improved our progress towards financial freedom. Overall daily affirmations have helped prepare us to take on the challenges in transforming how we manage our money.

Are you ready to transform the way you feel and think about your personal finances? Start with reading, writing and stating some of our favorite money affirmations below!


Personal Finance Affirmations

Need motivation or inspiration to start taking control of your finances? Begin utilizing affirmations as a tool to help move you into a positive mindset.

As you get more comfortable with the practicing of daily affirmations then you are ready to advance in utilizing this tool. Challenge yourself by creating your own personal finance affirmations that are more personal and specific to your own circumstances.

Until then start with these powerful finance affirmations below. You can pick your favorites or use them all!

  1. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways
  2. I am worthy of making more money
  3. Wealth constantly flows into my life
  4. I embrace new avenues of income
  5. I release all negative energy over money
  6. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
  7. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life
  8. I am a magnet for money
  9. My money is used to better my life and the lives of others
  10. I am the master of my wealth
  11. Money expands my life’s opportunities and experiences
  12. I am able to handle large sums of money
  13. I am at peace with having a lot of money
  14. Money comes to me in miraculous ways
  15. I can handle massive success with grace
  16. Money creates a positive impact in my life
  17. I am deserving of abundance in my life
  18. I am open to receive wealth in many ways
  19. My finances always improve beyond my dreams
  20. I love my positive, happy and abundant life
  21. The more I give, the more I receive. The more I receive, the more I give.
  22. I will always have more than enough money
  23. My bank account is always growing
  24. I am finding it easier to attract money
  25. My expenses are always paid in full
  26. I am wealthy
  27. I always think positively about money and wealth
  28. My life is full of abundance
  29. I deserve to have abundance and prosperity
  30. Money comes to me simply and frequently
  31. I consistently receive checks in the mail
  32. I earn a great living
  33. Life is abundant and I am safe
  34. My money actions create constant prosperity
  35. I think abundantly at all times

These powerful finance affirmations are only the first step in changing the way you feel and think about money. In order to fully cultivate your money tree additional steps are necessary. Are you ready to make positive changes?

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As mentioned earlier beginning and continuing to utilize daily affirmations is a tool that helps transform your mind and prepare you for the next actions needed to manifest your biggest money dreams. We challenge you to start utilizing daily affirmations for the next 30 days! On day 31, come back and tell us how this tool has transformed your finances!

Do you want to transform other areas of your life? Great, the best part about daily affirmations is that you can alter your declarations to benefit any area of your life!

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