2020 Annual Goals Recap

2020 Annual Goals Recap


Where We Started

At the end of each year, I love to reflect back on everything that happened. Typically, I write down an overview of the year and use that to measure how well I accomplished what I originally set out to achieve. This overview also allows us to take what did and didn’t work and apply it to our goals moving into the next year.  Before we get into our 2020 Annual Goals Recap, we wanted to give you a glimpse of where we started.

I entered this past year with some big aspirations. Each core area of my life below had at least three goals that I wanted to attempt in 2020.

  • Career and Business
  • Finances and Wealth
  • Friends and Family
  • Health and Fitness
  • Fun, Recreation, and Entertainment
  • Love and Relationship
  • Personal & Spiritual Development
  • Physical Environment


Where We Ended

Due to many of the unexpected events that occurred over the last year, I did not complete everything I originally set out to do. We encountered many changes that made some goals no longer realistic with the current circumstances. During this time we had to reevaluate, adapt, and pivot so that we could continue to move forward and make progress where it most mattered.

Being able to still meet some of our goals and also pivot when life threw curve balls at us is a big deal! Earlier in our relationship, a year like this would have crushed us. We were a sinking ship of low income, high debt, no savings, and constantly in a state of stress.  Our life was controlled by our circumstances. We also allowed those circumstances to direct our mindset towards other areas of our life as well. You can imagine those areas were suffering slightly as well.

We want to share with you that despite an unconventional year with many struggles, there are still many things to celebrate and be grateful for. Below we are going to share the highlights and lowlights from 2020 and which core area they impacted.


Finances and Wealth


  • Saved $3,500 in Sinking Funds

Our Sinking Funds include short term and long term financial goals. Many of the sinking funds are things we plan to use in the next year or so like Christmas, New Tech Gear, Home Projects, Vacations, and more. Typically, we would dip into our Sinking Funds as we meet our goal.

This year not only did we increase our sinking funds but we ended up not needing to dip into them. This past year between the pandemic and job promotions we were able to save more money and increase our income which allowed us to cash flow many of the things we planned to use sinking funds for.

  • Paid $8,700 Towards CC Debt

Our original goal was to pay off all of our credit cards and we made major progress this year. I have one remaining credit card that has a balance under $1,00o. I fully intend to have that thing paid off in 2021. Between needing to save for my maternity leave and expecting to close on our home we needed to reserve remaining funds until after those events.

  • Cash Flowed $8,800

We managed to cash flow multiple home projects, medical expenses, and three small vacations this past year.  Just a few years ago home projects and vacations would have been non-existent. All while unexpected medical expenses would have been charged to a credit card.

Career and Business


  • Furloughed for 6 months

Like many other states, our state went on lockdown and required almost everything non-essential to close. I didn’t expect my workplace to be impacted. The worst part of these months was the uncertainty and unknown. Our Governor kept extending these lockdowns only 2 weeks at a time. So the whole time, I had to consistently plan on returning to work. I found myself to be on edge and unable to fully relax.

At some point, I believed we would be shut down for the rest of the year so I had to start thinking differently about my future Career.  During this time I found some small blessings like being able to update my resume and cover letters. Additionally, I was able to stay home and stay safe while receiving unemployment and being able to spend more quality time with my loved ones.

  • Got A Promotion

Just as I was starting to send out my resume to various companies, my employer offered me a new role within the company. I couldn’t help but accept the offer as it came with higher pay and a better work/life balance. The universe works in miraculous ways!

Friends and Family


  • Quality Time With Family

This year allowed me and my daughters to spend more quality time on my parent’s farm. We spent many of our summer days hanging out with the bunnies, turkeys, and chickens, walking the gardens, and learning how to make Lavender oil. I had been desiring to cultivate my relationship with my mother and sister and 2020 gave me that opportunity.

  • Added To The Family

In November, we welcomed our third child and first son. However, being pregnant during a pandemic was tough. Nonetheless, I am thankful we made it through the year safe and healthy. Our son has been a blessing and a perfect addition to our family.

Personal & Spiritual Development


  • Self-Development Reading List

While I was completing my Undergrad and Graduate Programs, I did not have much time to read anything that wasn’t a textbook. So, I was excited to be able to add alternative reading back into my life after I completed both degrees. Each book read has turned out to be exactly what I needed to be introduced to at that point in time. It is always interesting how divine things happen that way in life.

  • Grow My Faith

I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone and started attending women’s bible study groups in the Fall of 2019. These study groups allowed me to connect with other women who are interested in growing their faith. Along with connection, I have taken away information and tools that have helped me gain clarity and self-awareness.

Physical Environment


  • Potential New Homestead

In 2018, we started looking for homes. However, we quickly realized that we had some work to do financially. This would be especially true if we wanted a home for our family to grow in. We have worked really hard the last two years to pay down debt, improve our credit score, and increase our savings.

While we wanted to wait an additional year,  bringing another little human into our home pushed this goal higher on the priority list. So we started more aggressively looking at homes.

Just as we were giving up finding a home in 2020, the next perfect home for our family showed up on the market. We decided to take the step and make an offer. Currently, our offer has been accepted and we are in the final stages before closing on our new family home.



Even with the successes and challenges, there were many moments that I did not handle what life threw at us with grace. However, I continue to learn how to adapt and move forward.  Without being intentional, self-disciplined, and being reflective,  none of this would have been possible this year for us.

As we set our intentions for 2021, we plan on utilizing the same tools plus learning from what did and didn’t work in 2020.

Much of our focus moving forward is going to be on our new homestead. Additionally,  adjusting as a family of five, finances, and cultivating relationships with others are also high on the priority list for 2021.

What tools do you use to set and meet your goals each year? Share below what you are most looking forward to in 2021. 

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